COP 28 - The final agreement

Our co-founder Lucile spent two weeks in Dubai for COP 28. She wanted to share her point of view on what happened during the negotiations.

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What is the 5R rule?

To start reducing your waste, discover the 5 R's rule to take care of the environment. These are the 5 principles of the zero-waste, or zero-waste lifestyle.

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7 actions to reduce the company's carbon footprint

As global temperatures continue to rise, we must work together to reduce everyone's carbon footprint.

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Recycling, the first social responsibility action to implement

Today, consumers are not only looking for products, they are buying from companies to which they feel identified or which provide added value. There is a growing number of people looking for ethical products that do not generate plastic waste or harm to the environment. But where can I start to make my business sustainable?

10 documentaries to watch to understand the plastic problem

4 good reasons to organize a Zero Waste workshop in your company

Good reasons to reduce your waste for both your company and the planet.

5 tips for implementing corporate social responsibility

A socially responsible company stands out from the crowd. Being a good example of social responsibility can help a sustainable company differentiate itself. For example, if a company shows that it is committed to helping the environment by reducing its greenhouse gas emissions, it also shows that the company values positive change. That image will attract customers who want to deal with a company that really cares about young people. And by taking socially responsible actions, a sustainable company shows consumers and the public that it cares about the community, the planet and the future. In this article you will find 5 tips you can follow to ensure that your company is an example of a socially responsible business.